UN SDSN Sustainable Euro-Asian Seas Initiative
Seas and Oceans are drivers for the European economy and have great potential for innovation
Seas and Oceans are drivers for the European economy and have great potential for innovation
Prof. Koundouri is an expert for the drafting of these opinions of the European Economic
Supporting our strategy for proper water management, we begin the implementation of the ′′ Water
The objective of the present research is to propose a European-wide Sustainable Development Indicator (SDI)
2020-2021: World Bank Consultancy, Climate Informed Public Investment Management, Government for Albania 2017: World Bank
Prof. Koundouri has served as a European Commission independent expert in the mid-term review of
Economic Instruments to Protect Freshwater Resources in the Republic of Buryatia, Lake Baikal Basin. The
Water and Green Growth Program – Phase 2 The concept of Green Growth has emerged as a new
The development of a national strategy to improve the municipal solidwaste management sector in the
Developing a Panel Model for the impact of Euro Currency Fluctuations on GDP & Inflation
The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) has invited Prof. Phoebe Koundouri to review the final report
Master Plan for Amiantos Mines, Forestry Department, Cypriot Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the
Bank of Greece Report on Climate Change. 2009-2011. Climate Change Impacts Study Committee Study Results
European Commission, DG Environment (DG ENV): ‘The impact of REACH on the environment and human
European Water Management between Regulation and Competition; funded by the European Commission, DG Environment, 2002-2003.