ARSINOE: Climate Resilient Regions Through Systemic Solutions and Innovations
ARSINOE is financed by the European Commission with a total budget of 15 million euros and is coordinated by the University of Thessaly. It brings together 41 partners from 15 countries and intends to be a game-changer for shaping pathways to resilience by delivering regional innovation packages that build an ecosystem to develop and implement innovative climate change adaptation measures and solutions across Europe.
Systems Innovation Approach (SIA) addresses the growing complexity, interdependencies and interconnectedness of modern societies and economies, focusing on the functions of the cross-sectoral system as a whole and on the variety of actors. The Climate Innovation Window (CIW) is the EU reference innovations marketplace for climate adaptation technologies.
ARSINOE shapes the pathways to resilience by bringing together SIA and CIW, to build an ecosystem for climate change adaptation solutions. Within the ARSINOE ecosystem, pathways to solutions are co-created and co-designed by stakeholders, who can then select either existing CIW technologies, or technologies by new providers (or a combination) to form an innovation package. This package may be designed for implementation to a specific region, but its building blocks are transferable and re-usable; they can be re-adapted and updated. In this way, the user (region) gets an innovation package consisting of validated technologies (expanding the market for CIW); new technologies implemented in the specific local innovation package get the opportunity to be validated and become CIW members, while the society (citizens, stakeholders ) benefits as a whole. ARSINOE applies a three-tier, approach:
(a) using SIA it integrates multi-faceted technological, digital, business, governance and environmental aspects with social innovation for the development of adaptation pathways to climate change for specific regions;
(b) it links with CIW to form innovation packages by matching innovators with end-users/regions;
(c) it fosters the ecosystem sustainability and growth with cross-fertilization and replication across regions and scales, at European level and beyond, using specific business models, exploitation and outreach actions.
The ARSINOE approach is show-cased in nine widely varied demonstrators, as a proof-of-concept with regards to its applicability, replicability, potential and efficacy.
This consortium brings together several members of the International Cluster for Research and Innovation on Sustainability (IcriSUSTAIN), directed by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri.
The Research laboratory on Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability (ReSEES) at
Athens University of Economics and Business, directed by Prof. Koundouri is a partner of the project and Principal Investigator of the project is Prof. Koundouri.
ReSEES Laboratory at
Athens University of Economics is the Leader of WP7: Financial issues and financing instruments/Business models (AUEB), the leader of “Case study 2: Mediterranean ports” and is heavily involved at the Athens & Black Sea case studies. Given its expertise in economy, finance and funding, AUEB-RC will contribute in creating a portfolio of financing solutions that collectively can contribute to the improvement of various regions’ resilience. AUEB-RC will play a major role in identifying financial innovation pathways, co-developing stakeholder specific financial pathways and business plans, designing financial instruments and developing a hybrid financial reporting model that integrates profits, social, environmental and governance criteria. Along with Prof. Koundouri, members of AUEB team are:
Dr. Conrad Landis, Ms. Alice Guittard and Ms. Maria Lentoudi; also, Prof. Dionysis Assimacopoulos,
Prof. Vasiliki Tsoukala and Ms.
Vasiliki Chalastani from the National Technical University of Athens are also included in the AUEB team.
Sustainable Development Unit (SDU), at
“Athena” Research Center is also partner of the project and
the Principal Investigator is
Dr. Ebun Akinsete. SDU is Scientifically directed by Prof.
Phoebe Koundouri. SDU engages in cutting-edge research to enable the transition to resilience and sustainability, through the implementation of UN Agenda 2030 (17 SDGs), the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. The Unit focuses on interdisciplinary systems research and the delivery of innovative solutions for the transition to a green, digital, job-based and fair future. The work on its large interdisciplinary team focuses on the inter-dependencies between research and innovation, the economy, the society, the environment, policy-making and politics. The
Sustainable Development Unit, at
“Athena” Research Center will contribute to the project through its valuable experience and know-how in innovation (Systems Innovation Approach-SIA), in the participation and activation of stakeholders (Stakeholders Engagement) and as a hub for intelligent data and virtual reality (VR and Data Intelligence Hub).
Prof. Yannis Ioannidis, Prof. George Halkos, Prof. Nikitas Pittis, Dr. Akrivi Katifori , Ms. Panagiota Koltsida , Ms. Alysia Helming, and Ms. Eleni Toli are all heavily involved in the project.
- Duration 48 months: Start date 1 October 2021 – End date 30 September 2025
- Overall budget € 15 643 021,25
- Grant agreement ID: 101037424
- Partners 40
Project Leader: University of Thessaly (Prof. Chrysi Laspidou )
Responsible Scientist on behalf of Athens University of Economics & Business: Prof. Phoebe Koundouri ( )
Official website
Read the Press Release here
Learn more and read the Press Release of the Kick off meeting here.
Check out the ARSINOE YouTube video to find out more about our concept!