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138) Koundouri, P., & Yannacopoulos, A. N. (2024). Optimal Control Approaches to Water Management: Discussing Model Uncertainty. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 178–181). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00048
137) Chatzistamoulou, N., & Koundouri, P. (2024). Monitoring Sustainability through the Lens of Water Productivity, Resource Productivity and Eco-Innovation in the EU-28. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 224–229). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00058
136) Alamanos, A., & Koundouri, P. (2024). Approaches for Optimal Management of Marine-Protected Areas. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 31–36) Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00014
135) Alamanos, A., & Koundouri, P. (2024). Science-Supported Policies to Achieve Environmental Sustainability under Crises. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 230–233) Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00059
134) Koundouri, P., Plataniotis, A., & Alamanos, A. (2024). Clean Water and Sanitation for All: SDG 6 Performance in Global, European and Regional Level. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 40–44) Edward Elgar Publishing.. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00016
133) Alamanos, A., & Koundouri, P. (2024). Future Challenges of Water Resources Management. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 87–93) Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00028
132) Alamanos, A., & Koundouri, P. (2024). Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management: A Systems Theory Approach. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 133–136) Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00038
131) Alamanos, A., & Koundouri, P. (2024). Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management: Modeling. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 137–141) Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00039
130) Koundouri, P., & Alamanos, A. (2024). Multi-Stakeholder Platforms in Water Resources Management. In P. Koundouri & A. Alamanos (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management (pp. 168–170) Edward Elgar Publishing . https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802202946.00045
129) Koundouri, P., Theodossiou, N., Stavridis, C., Devves, S., Plataniotis, A. (2023). The European Green Deal and the 17 SDGs: Uncovering their Connection with a ML-based Approach. In: Kayakutlu, G., Kayalica, M.Ö. (eds) Decision Making Using AI in Energy and Sustainability. Applied Innovation and Technology Management. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-38387-8_2
128) Koundouri, P., Papayiannis, G.I., Yannacopoulos, A.N. (2023). Optimal Control Approaches to Sustainability Under Uncertainty. In: Leal Filho, W., Dinis, M.A.P., Moggi, S., Price, E., Hope, A. (eds) SDGs in the European Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17461-2_46
127) Akinsete, E., Koundouri, P., Landis, C. (2022). Modeling the WEF Nexus to Support Sustainable Development: An African Case. In: Cavalli, L., Vergalli, S. (eds) Connecting the Sustainable Development Goals: The WEF Nexus. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-01336-2_8
126) Koundouri, P., Landis, C., Plataniotis, A., (2022), A framework for the joint implementation of the European Green Deal and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the role of Natural Capital, chapter in the book “The energy crisis and the Greek economy”, published by the Economic Chamber of Greece, ISBN: 978-960-7170-06-4
125) Κουντούρη Φ., Θεοδοσίου Ν., Ιωαννίδης Γ., Παπαγεωργίου Χ., Παπανδρέου Α., Παπαδάκη Λ., & Σταυρίδης Χ., (2022). Η επιτάχυνση της μπλε ανάπτυξης μέσω μιας ανταγωνιστικής πλατφόρμας Cloud/HPC για τη χάραξη πολιτικής που βασίζεται στην τεχνητή νοημοσύνη και η εφαρμογή της συστημικής καινοτομίας ως μέσο αντιμετώπισης των επιπτώσεων της πανδημίας COVID-19 στο θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον. Έκδοση Πανδημία, Θάλασσα και Άνθρωπος στην Ελλάδα. Δίκτυο Συνεργασίας για το Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον. Διαθέσιμο εδώ
124) Chatzistamoulou N., Koundouri P. (2022) Sustainability Transition Through Awareness to Promote Environmental Efficiency. In: Terzioğlu M.K. (eds) Advances in Econometrics, Operational Research, Data Science and Actuarial Studies. Contributions to Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85254-2_21
123) Koundouri, P., Papayiannis, G., Yannacopoulos. (2022) A Robust Optimization approaches to Sustainability under Uncertainty. In “SDGs in the European Region”, edited by Walter Leal Filho (forthcoming).
122) Alamanos, A., Koundouri, P. (2022). Economics of Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Water Resource Planning and Management. Book Chapter. In: Dale Whittington, ed., Water Resources Management and Policy. Oxford University Press Encyclopedia, 2022. (forthcoming)
121) Phoebe Koundouri, Sylvia Schwaag Serger, Angelos Plataniotis. Sustainability and Resilience through Transformative Innovation Policy, at National and Regional Level (forthcoming)
120) Koundouri et al. (2021), Climate policy in the broader sustainability context: Joint implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal in “No Brainers and Low-Hanging Fruit in National Climate Policy“, edited by Caselli, F., Ludwig, A., van der Ploeg, R., CEPR, 8 October 2021, pages 254. Available here
119) Koundouri, T. Zachariadis, S., Devves, A., Plataniotis (2021). Climate policy in the broader sustainability context: joint implementation of agenda 2030 and the european green deal. This chapter is based on the report “Transformations for the Joint Implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal: A green and digital, job-based and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic” published by the UN sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2021. The full report is available here. Available at: http://wpa.deos.aueb.gr/wpa_show_paper.php?handle=2111
118) Koundouri P., Papadaki L., Vassilopoulos A. (2021) Experiments for pro-environmental choices chapter 2.3, in the book “The Behavioral Perspective in the climate Change Issue: Environmental Virtual Reality to Engage Investors and Entrepreneurs in the Circular Thinking”, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-620-3-19885-0. Available here
117) Koundouri P., Papadaki L., Vassilopoulos A. (2021) Choice Experiment, chapter 4.6, in the book “The Behavioral Perspective in the climate Change Issue: Environmental Virtual Reality to Engage Investors and Entrepreneurs in the Circular Thinking”, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-620-3-19885-0. Available here
116) Koundouri P., Papadaki L., Vassilopoulos A. (2021) Risk and Time Preferences, chapter 5. 4., in the book “The Behavioral Perspective in the climate Change Issue: Environmental Virtual Reality to Engage Investors and Entrepreneurs in the Circular Thinking”, Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN 978-620-3-19885-0. Available here
115) Koundouri, P., Manoussi, V., Papadaki, L. (2021). Introduction to the Oceans of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_1
114) Stuiver, M., van den Burg, S., Chen, W., Haggett, C., Rudolph, D., Koundouri, P. (2021). Stakeholder Involvement in Technological Design: Lessons Learned from the MERMAID and TROPOS Projects. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_2
113) Torres-Ortega, S., Díaz-Simal, P., Del-Jesus, F., Guanche, R., Koundouri, P. (2021). Comparative Financial Analysis of Marine Multipurpose Platforms Projects: MERMAID and TROPOS Projects. . In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_3
112) Chen, W. Koundouri, P. et al. (2021). Social Acceptance and Socio-economic Effects of Multi-use Offshore Developments: Theory and Applications off the Liuqiu Island. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_4
111) Mailli, E., Xepapadeas, P., Koundouri, P. (2021). An Interdisciplinary Web-Based Decision Support System for Socio-economic Assessment of Marine Investments: The MERMAID Project. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_5
110) Antzoulatos, G., Dimitrakopoulos, C., Petra, E., Tsani, S., Koundouri, P. (2021). Techno- and Socio-economic Models of Production with Application to Aquaculture: Results from the BlueBRIDGE Project. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_6
109) Akinsete, E., Guittard, A., Koundouri, P. (2021). Increasing Land-Sea Synergies and Coastal-Rural Collaboration for a Healthy Ocean: The COASTAL Project. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2 Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_7
108) Stergiopoulou, L., Koundouri, P., Vassilopoulos, A. (2021). Monetary and Non-monetary Valuation of Cultural Ecosystem Services in Marine Protected Areas. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_8
107) Koundouri, P., Papadaki, L., Guittard, A., Demian, E., Akinsete, E. (2021). Tackling Single-Use-Plastic Products in the Easter Mediterranean Sea: The BL.EU. Climate and MEDfreeSUP Projects. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_9
106) Papandreou, A., Koundouri, P., Papadaki, L. (2021). Sustainable Shipping: Levers of Change. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_10
105) Alexandropoulou, V., Koundouri, P., Papadaki, L., Kontaxaki, K. (2021). New Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Ports: The Deep Demonstration in Maritime Hubs Project. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_11
104) Tsipouri, L., Koundouri, P., Papadaki, L., Argyrou, M.D. (2021). Circular Economy in National Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Case of Greece. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_12
103) Koundouri, P., Papadaki, L. (2021). Conclusions and Recommendations. In Koundouri, P. (editor) The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability – Volume 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56847-4_13
102) Phoebe Koundouri, Lydia Papadaki (May 27th 2020). Integrating Water-Food-Energy Nexus with Climate Services: Modelling and Assessment for a Case Study in Africa, Sustainability Concept In Developing Countries, Surendra N. Kulshreshtha, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90914. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/70971
101) Nikos Chatzistamoulou, Phoebe Koundouri (2020) SDG Patterns across the Globe. In eds. Walter Leal Filho, Pinar Gökçin Özuyar, Anabela Marisa Azul, Luciana Londero Brandli and Tony Wall in Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Decent Work and Economic Growth, published by Springer, 2020. Available here
100) Nikos Chatzistamoulou and Phoebe Koundouri (2020). The Economics for Sustainable Development. eds. Vasiliki Brinia and Dr Paulo Davim in Higher Education and Sustainability, published by CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group. Available here
99) Phoebe Koundouri, Ebun Akinsete, Stella Tsani (2018). Socio-Economic and Policy Implications of Multi-Stressed Rivers: A European Perspective. In Sergi Sabater Arturo Elosegi Ralf Ludwig (Eds.) Multiple Stressors in River Ecosystems: Status, Impacts and Prospects for the Future. Elsevier. eBook ISBN: 9780128039045 Paperback ISBN: 9780128038352 https://www.academia.edu/download/57403262/2019_GA.pdf
98) Phoebe Koundouri, Andrew Boulton, Thibault Datry, Ioannis Souliotis (2017). Ecosystem services, values and societal perceptions of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams’. In Thibault Datry, Nuria Bonada and Andrew Boulton (eds) Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management, Elsevier. eBook ISBN: 9780128039045 Paperback ISBN: 9780128038352 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128038352000188
97) Phoebe Koundouri et al. (2017). Economic instruments, behaviour and incentives in groundwater management. In Karen Villholth, Jac van der Gun, Elena Lopez-Gunn, Kirstin Conti, Alberto Garrido (eds): Advances in Groundwater Governance, Taylor and Francis, ISBN 9781138029804. Available here
96) Koundouri, P. et al. (2017). Introduction to the MERMAID Project. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_1
95) Koundouri, P. et al. (2017). Methodology for Integrated Socio-economic Assessment of Multi-use Offshore Platforms. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_2
94) Bas, B. et al. (2017). Socio-economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Baltic Sea. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_3
93) Söderqvist, T. et al. (2017). Socio-economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the North Sea. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_4
92) Simal, P.D. et al. (2017). Socio-economic Assessment of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Atlantic. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I.. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_5
91) Koundouri, P. et al. (2017). Socio-economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Mediterranean Sea. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I.. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_6
90) Xepapadeas, P., Giannouli, A., Koundouri, P., Moussoulides, A., Tsani, S., Xepapadeas, A. (2017). Risk Analysis for the Selected MERMAID Final Designs. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_7
89) Koundouri, P., Giannouli, A., Giannakis, E., Levantis, E., Moussoulides, A., Tsani, S. (2017). Conclusions and Recommendations. In: Koundouri, P. (eds) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications – Volume I. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55772-4_8
88) Nicholls, R., Zanuttigh, B., Vanderlinden, J.P., Weisse, R., Silva, R., Hanson, S., Narayan, S., Hoggart, S., Thompson, R.C., de Vries, W. and Koundouri, P., 2015. Developing a Holistic Approach to Assessing and Managing Coastal Flood Risk. In Zanuttigh, B., Nicholls, R., Vanderlinden, J.P., Burcharth, H. and Thompson, R.C. (eds.). Coastal Risk Management in a Changing Climate. Elsevier. (9-53). ISBN 978-0-12-397310-8. Available https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123973108000026
87) Vanderlinden, J.P., Baztan, J., Coates, T., Dávila, O.G., Hissel, F., Kane, I.O., Koundouri, P., McFadden, L. Parker, D., Penning-Roswell, E., Pietrantoni, L., Pescaroli, G., Prati, G., Rulleau, B., Stithou, M. and Touili, N., 2015. Nonstructural Approaches to Coastal Risk Mitigations. In Zanuttigh, B., Nicholls, R., Vanderlinden, J.P., Burcharth, H. and Thompson, R.C. (eds.). Coastal Risk Management in a Changing Climate. Elsevier. (237-274). ISBN 978-0-12 397310-8. Available https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123973108000051
86) Koundouri, P., Zanuttigh, B., Dávila, O.G., Vanderlinden, J.P., Hanson, S., Nicholls, R., Hoggart, S., Thompson, R.C., de Vries, W. and Penning-Roswell, E., 2015. Toward Sustainable Decision Making. In Zanuttigh, B., Nicholls, R., Vanderlinden, J.P., Burcharth, H. and Thompson, R.C. (eds.) Coastal Risk Management in a Changing Climate. Elsevier. (275-323). ISBN 978-0-12-397310-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-397310-8.00006-3
85) Koundouri, P., Papandreou, N. Remoundou, K., Kountouris, Y., 2013. A Bird’s Eye View of the Greek Water Situation: The Potential for the Implementation of the EU WFD. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy Series. (1) p.1-24. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available: here (181 pages)
84) Koundouri, P., Papandreou, N. Stithou, M., Mousoulides, A., Anastasiou, Y., Mousoulidou, M., Antypas, A., Mavrogiorgis, T., Vasiliou, K., 2013. Introducing the Case Study: The Asopos River Basin in Greece. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy Series (2) p.25-47. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4_2
83) Koundouri, P., Papandreou, N., Stithou, M., Mousoulides, A., Anastasiou, Y., Mousoulidou, M., Antypas, A., Souliotis, I. Mavrogiorgis, T., Vasiliou, K., 2013. The Economic Characterization of Asopos River Basin. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy Series (3) 49-70. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4
82) Koundouri, P., Stithou, M., Melissourgos, P., 2013. Simulating Residential Water Demand and Water Pricing Issues. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy Series (4) 71-86. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4_4
81) Koundouri, P., Dávila, O.G., Anastasiou, Y., Antypas, A., Mavrogiorgis, T., Mousoulides, A., Mousoulidou, M., Vasiliou, K., 2013. An Econometric Analysis of Agricultural Production, Focusing on the Shadow Price of Groundwater: Policies Towards Socio-Economic Sustainability. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy Series (5) 87-100. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4_5
80) Koundouri, P., Scarpa, R., Stithou, M. 2013. A Choice Experiment for the Estimation of the Economic Value of the River Ecosystem: Management Policies for Sustaining NATURA (2000) species and the Coastal Environment. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy, Series (6) 101-112. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4_6
79) Koundouri, P., Papandreou, N., Stithou, M., Dávila, O.G., 2013. A Value Transfer Approach for the Economic Estimation of Industrial Pollution: Policy Recommendations. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy, Series (7) 113-128. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4_7
78) Drichoutis A., Koundouri, P., Remoundou, K. 2013. A Laboratory Experiment for the Estimation of Health Risks: Policy Recommendations. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy, Series (8) 129-137. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available:http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4
77) Koundouri, P., and Papandreou, N., Stithou, M., Dávila, O.G., 2013. Creating the Institutional Background to Support the Implementation of the Policy Manual. In Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor). Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece. Global Issues in Water Policy, Series (10) 165-178, Springer Publishing. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) 978-94-007-7636-4 (Online) Available: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4
76) Koundouri, P. and Kountouris, I., 2013. ‘Water Management and Development’. In Desai, V., & Potter, R. B., The companion to development studies. Routledge, p.309-316, ISBN: 9780340889145. Available https://toc.library.ethz.ch/objects/pdf03/z01_978-0-415-82665-5_01.pdf
75) Koundouri, P., and Kountouris, Y., Stithou, M., 2012. A Choice Experiments Application in Transport Infrastructure: A Case Study on Travel Time Savings, Accidents and Pollution Reduction. In A. N. Rezitis (editor) Research Topics in Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol.3, 145-155, Bentham Books. ISSN: 1879-7415, eISBN: 978-1-60805-263-9 Available here
74) Carson, R. T., Koundouri, P. and Nauges, C., 2011. Arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh: a household labor market approach. (Reprint from American Journal of Agricultural Economics). In Valuing Environment and Natural Resources, edited by Willis, K. G. and G. Garrod, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK. Available here
73) Kougea, E., and Koundouri, P., 2011. Air Quality Degradation: Can Economics Help in Measuring its Welfare Effects? A Review of Economic Valuation Studies. In Jose A. Orosa (editor), Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution, InTech Open Access Publisher, p.105-126. ISBN 978-953-307-310-1. Available https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/38276/
72) Koundouri, P., and Birol, E., 2010. Water Resource Policy and Related Issues in Cyprus: An Introduction. In Koundouri, P., ‘Water Resources Allocation: Policy and Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus’, Springer Environment and Policy Series. ISBN: 978-90-481-9824-5Available https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789048198245
71) Birol, E., Koundouri, P., and Remoundou, K., 2010. The Implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive in Cyprus. In Koundouri, P., ‘Water Resources Allocation: Policy and Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus’, Springer Environment and Policy Series. ISBN: 978-90-481-9824-5 Available https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-481-9825-2_4
70) Groom, B., and Koundouri, P., 2010. The Economics of Water Resource Allocation: Valuation Methods and Policy Implications. In Koundouri, P., ‘Water Resources Allocation: Policy and Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus’, Springer Environment and Policy Series. ISBN: 978-90-481-9824-5 Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-481-9825-2_7
69) Birol, E., Koundouri, P., and Kountouris, I., 2010. Water Resources Management and Wetland Conservation: The Case of Akrotiri Wetland in Cyprus. In Koundouri, P., ‘Water Resources Allocation: Policy and Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus’, Springer Environment and Policy Series. ISBN: 978-90-481-9824-5 (Erratum to: Chapter 10 Water Resources Management and Wetland Conservation: The Case of Akrotiri Wetland in Cyprus. In: Koundouri P. (eds) Water Resources Allocation. Global Issues in Water Policy, vol 1. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-9825-2_12)
68) Koundouri, P., Birol, E. and Ezel, C., 2010. Water Resource Policy and Related Issues in Cyprus. Facing the Future: Concluding Remarks. In Koundouri, P., ‘Water Resources Allocation: Policy and Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus’, Springer Environment and Policy Series. ISBN: 978-90-481-9824-5 Available https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-481-9825-2_11
67) Linstead, C., Maltby, E., Ørsted Nielsen, H., Horlitz, T., Koundouri, P., Birol, E., Remoundou, K., Janssen, R., & Jones, P. J. (2010). Tools for Better Decision Making: Bridges from Science to Policy. In Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems (pp. 262-284). Wiley & Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781444327397.ch11
66) Koundouri, P., 2009. The Economic Valuation of Water Resources: Methods and Results. In Frank Columbus (editor) Water Management, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
65) Koundouri, P., 2009. Current Issues in the Economics of Groundwater Resource Management (reprint from: Journal of Economic Surveys, 18 (5), 703-40). In Quentin Grafton (editor) ‘Economics of Water Resources’ Edward Elgar Publishing, UK (ISBN 978 1 84720 646 6; volume 234 of the International Library of Critical Writings in Economics). MPRA Paper
64) Koundouri, P. and Y. Kountouris, 2009. Saving unique ecosystems by the use of economic methods and instruments: Is this possible? In Elzbieta Druzynska (ed.)‘Building capacity to solve economical/ecological conflict around protection of unique ecosystems in areas of mining activities.’ Routledge. Available https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/38277/
63) Birol, E., Koundouri, P., and Kountouris, Y., 2009. Using the Choice Experiment Method to Inform Flood Risk Reduction Policies in the Upper Silesia Region of Poland. In A.K. Gupta, A. Pal and P. Tyagi (Eds.)‘Land-use and Natural Resources: Context of Disaster Reduction and Sustainability’ Cambridge University Press. Available https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/38426/
62) Koundouri, P., Remoundou, K. (2009) Introduction to P. Koundouri (ed.)‘The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of the EU Water Policy Under AquaStress’, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics. ISBN: 978-0-415-45323-3. Available here
61) Remoundou, K. and Koundouri, P., 2009. Choice experiments informing water resources policy making: A review. In P. Koundouri (ed.)‘The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of the EU Water Policy Under AquaStress’, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics. ISBN: 978-0-415-45323-3. Available here
60) Ekin, B., Handley, N., Koundouri, P. and Kountouris Y. (2009). Local public’s valuation of flood risk reduction, biodiversity conservation and recreational activities: the Polish case study. P. Koundouri (ed.)‘The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of the EU Water Policy Under AquaStress’, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics. ISBN: 978-0-415-45323-3. Available here
59) Birol, E., Koundouri, P. and Kountouris, Y. (2009). Estimating farmers’ valuation of aquifer recharge with treated wastewater: the Cypriot case study. In P. Koundouri (ed.)‘The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of the EU Water Policy Under AquaStress’, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics.
ISBN: 978-0-415-45323-3 Available here
58) Phoebe Koundouri (2009). Industrial water management as a water stress mitigation option: The Bulgarian and Polish case studies In P. Koundouri (ed.)‘The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of the EU Water Policy Under AquaStress’, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics. ISBN: 9780203878378. Available here
57) Kountouris, Y., and Koundouri, P., 2009. Defining the discount rate trajectory for the evaluation of water stress mitigation policies and projects. In P. Koundouri (ed.)‘The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of the EU Water Policy Under AquaStress’, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics. ISBN: 978-0-415-45323-3. Available here
56) Koundouri, P., and Groom, B., 2009. Sustainability and the Economics of the Environment: Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Dynamics of the Long Run Discount Rate, in ‘Focus on Ecology Research’, Nova Science Publishers. Available here
55) Birol, E. and Koundouri, P., 2008. ‘Introduction to the book’. In Birol, E. and P. Koundouri (Eds.) Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. Edward-Elgar Publishing, Wally Oates and Henk Folmer’s ‘New Horizons in Environmental Economics’ Series, Cheltenham, UK., p. 1-11, ISBN: 9781845427252. Available: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/38232/1/MPRA_paper_38232.pdf
54) Birol, E. and Koundouri, P., Kountouris, I., 2008. ‘Applications of the choice experiment method in Europe: a review’. In Birol, E. and P. Koundouri (Eds.) Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. Edward-Elgar Publishing, Wally Oates and Henk Folmer’s ‘New Horizons in Environmental Economics’ Series, Cheltenham, UK., p.12-57, ISBN: 9781845427252. Available: https://mpra.ub.unimuenchen.de/41903/1/MPRA_paper_41903.pdf
53) Birol, E. Karousakis, K., and Koundouri, P, 2008. Using a Choice Experiment to Inform Implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive: The Case of Cheimaditida Wetland in Greece. In Birol, E. and P. Koundouri (Eds.) Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. Edward-Elgar Publishing, Wally Oates and Henk Folmer’s ‘New Horizons in Environmental Economics’ Series, Cheltenham, UK., 249-270, ISBN: 9781845427252. Available: here
52) Birol, E., Koundouri, P., and Kountouris, Y., 2008. ‘Using the Choice Experiment Method to Inform River Management in Poland: Flood Risk Reduction vs. Habitat Conservation in the Upper Silesia Region’. In Birol, E. and P. Koundouri (Eds.) Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. Edward-Elgar Publishing, Wally Oates and Henk Folmer’s ‘New Horizons in Environmental Economics’ Series, Cheltenham, UK., 271-291, ISBN: 9781845427252. Available here
51) Birol, E. and Koundouri, P., 2008. ‘Concluding remarks and future directions’. In Birol, E. and P. Koundouri (Eds.) Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. Edward-Elgar Publishing, Wally Oates and Henk Folmer’s ‘New Horizons in Environmental Economics’ Series, Cheltenham, UK. p.317-324, ISBN: 9781845427252. Available here
50) Dionnet, K. Daniell, Dominique Rollin, P. Koundouri, P. Bots, et al.. 2008. How to test and evaluate. Guidance on water stress mitigation: experiences and inspirations from the AquaStress Integrated Project, pp.91-114, ⟨hal-02600094⟩. Available here
49) Koundouri, P., Kountouris, Y., and Remoundou, K., 2008. Introduction to Koundouri, P., (ed.) ‘Coping with Water Deficiency: From Research to Policy Making’. Springer, Environment and Policy Series. Vol. 48, (pages 1-10), ISBN 978-1-4020-6614-6.
48) Birol, E., Koundouri, P., and Kountouris, Y, 2008. Using Economic Valuation Techniques to Inform Water Resources Management in the Southern European, Mediterranean and Developing Countries: A survey and critical appraisal of available techniques. In Koundouri, P., (ed.)’Coping with Water Deficiency: From Research to Policy Making’. Springer, Environment and Policy Series. Vol. 48, (pages 135-156), ISBN 978-1-4020-6614-6.Available https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4020-6615-3_5
47) Koundouri, P., 2008. The Case for Declining Long-Term Discount Rates in the Evaluation of Flood-Defense Investments. In Koundouri, P., (ed.) ‘Coping with Water Deficiency: From Research to Policy Making’, Springer, Environment and Policy Series. Vol. 48, (pages 157-164), ISBN 978-1-4020-6614-6. Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4020-6615-3_6
46) Birol, E., Koundouri, P., Kountouris, Y., 2007. ‘Using the contingent valuation method to inform sustainable wetland management: The case of Akrotiri Wetland in Cyprus’. In A. Schumann, M. Pahlow, J.J. Bogardi and P. van der Zaag (Eds.) Reducing the Vulnerability of Societies to Water Related Risks at the Basin Scale, IAHS Publications, 317, 243-250. Available here Also included in NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) proceeding 2007.
45) Groom, B., Hepburn, C., Koundouri, P., and Pearce, D., 2007. Implications of Declining Discount Rates for UK Climate Change Policy. In D. Pearce (ed.) ‘Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case Studies’ Edward-Elgar Publishing, p. 77-96. ISBN: 1-84064-147-9. Available here
44) Ekin Birol, Phoebe Koundouri, Yiannis Kountouris, 2007. Farmers’ Demand for Recycled Water in Cyprus: A Contingent Valuation Approach. Part of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Series book series. Wastewater Reuse–Risk Assessment, Decision-Making and Environmental Security pp 267-278. Available here
43) Smale, M., Lipper, L., and Koundouri, P., 2006. Scope, Limitations and Future Directions. In Smale, M., (ed.) ‘Valuing Crop Biodiversity: On-Farms Genetic Resources and Economic Change’ CABI Publishing, p. 280-295. ISBN: 0-85199-057-6. Available here
42) Karousakis, K., and Koundouri, P., 2006. Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: An Introduction. In ‘Water Management in Arid and Semi-Aid Regions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’. Edward-Elgar Publishing, p. 3-9. ISBN: 1-84542-423-9. Available here
41) Karousakis, K., and P. Koundouri, 2006. A Typology of Economic Instruments and Methods for Efficient Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. In Koundouri, P., (ed.) ‘Water Management in Arid and Semi-Aid Regions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’. Edward-Elgar Publishing, p. 161-187. ISBN: 1-84542-423-9. Available here
40) Laukkanen, M., and Koundouri, P., 2006. Competition Versus Cooperation in Groundwater Extraction: A Stochastic Framework with Heterogeneous Agents. In Koundouri, P., (ed.) ‘Water Management in Arid and Semi-Aid Regions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’. Edward-Elgar Publishing, p. 188-198. ISBN: 1-84542-423-9. MPRA Paper No. 41910, Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/41910/
39) Karousakis, K., Koundouri, P., Assymakopoulos, D., Jeffrey, P., ND Lagema, M., 2006. Conclusions and Policy Recommendations for the EU Water Framework Directive. In Koundouri, P., (ed.) ‘Water Management in Arid and Semi-Aid Regions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’. Edward-Elgar Publishing, p. 255-261. ISBN: 1-84542-423-9.
38) Ben Groom, Cameron Hepburn, Phoebe Koundouri, David Pearce 2006. Implications of declining discount rates for UK climate change policy. Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case Studies edited by David W. Pearce, p 77, Edward Elgar Publishing. Available: here
37) Koundouri, P., 2005. Design and Implementation of an Integrated Water Management Approach. In M.A. Lange, D. Poszig, A. Herrmann (Eds.) ‘Water on Mediterranean Islands: Advanced Study Course SUSTAINIS’, ZUFO-Berichte, p. 85-99. ISSN: 16114957, 3980884058. Available here
36) Koundouri, P., 2005. Econometrics Informing Natural Resource Management: Introducing the Book. In P. Koundouri (ed.) ‘Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management: Selected Empirical Analyses’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p. 3-13. ISBN: 978 1 84376 922 4 (416 pages).
35) Koundouri, P and Groom, B, 2005. Sustainability informed by econometrics: the dynamics of the long-run discount rate. In P. Koundouri (ed.) ‘Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management: Selected Empirical Analyses’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p. 14-42. ISBN: 978 1 84376 922 4 (416 pages). Available here
34) Anshory, A. and P. Koundouri, 2005. Households’ valuation of domestic water in Indonesia: revisiting the Supply Driven Approach. In P. Koundouri (ed.) ‘Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management: Selected Empirical Analyses’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p. 127-142. ISBN: 978 1 84376 922 4 (416 pages). Available here
33) Koundouri, P., and M. Laukkanen. 2005. Stochastic Production in a Regulated Fishery: The Importance of Risk Considerations. In P. Koundouri (ed.) ‘Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management: Selected Empirical Analyses’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p. 247-262. ISBN: 978 1 84376 922 4 (416 pages). Available here
32) Matt Cole, P Koundouri, 2004. Contingent Ranking of River Water Quality Improvements. In Econometrics Informing Natural Resource Management. Available here
31) Groom, B., Koundouri, P., and T. Swanson, 2004. Cost–benefit analysis and Efficient water allocation in Cyprus. In R. Brouwer and D. Pearce (eds.), ‘Cost-Benefit Analysis and Efficient Water Allocation in Cyprus’, Edward-Elgar Publishing, p. 315-339. ISBN: 1-84376-359-1. Available here
30) Koundouri, P., Mantzou, K. and Mousoulides, M. (2003). European Water Management between Regulation and Competition: The case of Ireland. In Mohajeri, S., Knothe, B., Lamothe, DN., Faby JA, ‘Aqualibrium: European Water Management between Regulation and Competition’, Directorate-General for Research: Global Change and Ecosystems, European Commission, Brussels, p. 183-202. ISBN: 9289464283 Available here
29) Howe, C., and Koundouri, P., 2003. Introduction to the book: P. Koundouri, P. Pashardes, T. Swanson and A. Xepapadeas (Eds.)’The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries: Problems, Principles and Policies’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p. 1-12. ISBN: 978 1 84376 122 8, eISBN: 978 1 78195 051 7 (296 pages). Available here
28) Groom, B., Koundouri, P. and Swanson, T. (2003) Integrated resource management in Cyprus: introducing and applying a new methodology. In: Koundouri, P., Pashardes, P., Swanson, T. and Xepapadeas, A., (eds.) The economics of water management in developing countries: problems, principles and policies. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 50-60. ISBN 9781843761228. Available here
27)Koundouri, P., 2003. Contrasting Different Methodologies to Deriving Natural Resource Scarcity Rents: Some Results from Cyprus. In P. Koundouri, P. Pashardes, T. Swanson and A. Xepapadeas (Eds.) ‘The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries: Problems, Principles and Policies’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p. 157-178. ISBN: 978 1 84376 122 8, eISBN: 978 1 78195 051 7 (296 pages) Available here
26) Koundouri, P. (2003) Contrasting different methodologies to deriving natural resource scarcity rents. In: Koundouri , P., Pashardes, P., Swanson, T. and Xepapadeas, A. (eds.) Economics of water management in developing countries: problems, principles and polices. Edward Elager Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 91-123. ISBN 9781843761228. Available here
25) Groom, B., Koundouri, P., and Swanson, T., 2003. The Watershed Economics Management Approach: An Application to Cyprus. In P. Koundouri, P. Pashardes, T. Swanson and A. Xepapadeas (Eds.) ‘The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries: Problems, Principles and Policies’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p.181-214. ISBN: 978 1 84376 122 8, eISBN: 978 1 78195 051 7 (296 pages) Available here
24) Koundouri, P., and Xepapadeas, A., 2003. A New Methodology for Measuring Groundwater Scarcity: Theory and Application. In P. Koundouri, P. Pashardes, T. Swanson and A. Xepapadeas (Eds.) ‘The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries: Problems, Principles and Policies’, Edward-Elgar Publishers, p.134-156. ISBN: 978 1 84376 122 8, eISBN: 978 1 78195 051 7 (296 pages) Available here
23) Koundouri, P., 2003. Integrated Water Management: An Application in Cyprus. In A. Xepapadeas and E. Petrakis (Eds.) ‘Microeconomic Policy and the Environment’, IMOP, Greece. [In Greek] Available here
22) Pearce, D., and Koundouri, P., 2003. Diffusion Pollution and the Role of Agriculture. In D. Helm (Ed.) ‘Water Sustainability and Regulation: The Next Periodic Review and Beyond’, OXERA Press, p. 125-153. ISBN: 1873482426 Available here
21) Koundouri, P., and Pashardes, P., 2002. Hedonic Price Analysis and Selectivity Bias: Water Salinity and Demand for Land. In P. Pashardes, T. Swanson and A. Xepapadeas (Eds.) ‘Economics of Water Resources, Theory and Policy’, Kluwer: The Netherlands, pp. 69-80. ISBN 1402005423. Available here
Invited Papers & Articles in Handbooks
20) Stella Tsani, Stella Apostolaki, Phoebe Koundouri, 2021. Policies and socio-economic tools for sustainable water management. In Handbook of Sustainable Politics and Economics of Natural Resources, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021. Available here
19) Koundouri Phoebe and Papadaki Lydia, 2020 “Transforming cities toward Sustainability transition.” In the Handbook Cities of the Future, 2020. Avalaible here
18) Koundouri Phoebe and Papadaki Lydia, 2020. Integrating Water-Food-Energy Nexus with Climate Services: Modelling and Assessment for a case study in Africa.” In the Handbook Sustainability Concept In Developing Countries, IntechOpen, 2020. Available: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/70971
17) Paolo Burlando, Andrea Castelletti, Phoebe Koundouri and Jasminko Novak, 2020. Integrated assessment methods in transboundary river basins in the Handbook on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
16) Phoebe Koundouri, Stella Apostolaki, Ebun Akinsete, Panagiotis Samartzis,2020. Freshwater: The Importance of Freshwater for Providing Ecosystem Services in the Handbook Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes, Pages 71-79 2020. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338346933_Freshwater_The_Importance_of_Freshwater_for_Providing_Ecosystem_Services
15) Phoebe Koundouri and Stella Tsani,2020. Ecosystem services and social perception (chapter 5) in the Handbook “Intermittent Rivers & Ephemeral Streams What water managers need to know”. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/443001/1/handbook_smires_vf.pdf
14) Phoebe Koundouri and Stella Tsani,2020. Environmental flows: assessment and implementation in Iterninent Rivers and ES. Handbook for Managers of Intermittent Rivers & Ephemeral Streams, 2020.
13) Nikos Chatzistamoulou and Phoebe Koundouri, 2020. “The economics of sustainable development”, chapter 1, in the Handbook Designing an Innovative Pedagogy for Sustainable Development in Higher EducationCRC press, 2020. Available here
12) Apostolaki, S., Akinsete, E., Koundouri, P., Samartzis, P., 2020. Freshwater: The Importance of Freshwater for Providing Ecosystem Services. In: Goldstein, M.I., DellaSala, D.A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes, vol. 4. Elsevier, pp. 71–79. ISBN: 9780128160961, 2020 Elsevier Inc. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12117-7
11) Koundouri, P., Reppas D., Skianis V., 2018. Socio-Economics and Water Management: Revisiting the Contribution of Economics in the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Greece. In Nikolaos Skoulikidis, Elias Dimitriou, and Ioannis Karaouzas (Eds.) The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry: The Rivers of Greece: Evolution, Current Status and Perspectives, pp 257-377. Springer. ISBN 978-3-662-55369-5
10) Koundouri, P., Chen W., Giannouli, A., Hernández Brito J. J., Kotoroni E., Mailli E., Mintenbeck K., Papagianni C., Souliotis, I. 2017. A Socio-Economic Framework for Integrating Offshore Multi-Use Platforms in Sustainable Blue Growth Management: Theory and Applications. In Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, Kenya, Lisa Emelia Svensson, Anil Markandya (Eds.) ‘The Handbook of the Economics and Management of Sustainable Oceans’ (pp. 25-43). Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78643 071 7 eISBN: 978 1 78643 072 4
9) Koundouri, P. and Vassilopoulos A., 2017. Valuation of Marine Ecosystems. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science.
8) Koundouri, P., Chen, W., Giannouli, O. G., Kotoroni, J., Mailli, E., Mintenbeck, K., Papagianni C., Souliotis, I., 2017. A socio-economic framework for integrating multi-use offshore platforms in sustainable blue growth management: theory and applications. In Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, Kenya, Lisa Emelia Svensson, Anil Markandya (Eds.) Handbook on the Economics and Management of Sustainable Oceans (pp. 25-43). Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78643 071 7. eISBN: 978 1 78643 072 4. Available here
7) Koundouri, P. Souliotis, I., Giannouli. A., 2017. An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Environmental and Socio-Economic Development Using Offshore Infrastructure. In M. Mustafa Erdodu, Thankom Arun, Imran Habib Ahmad (Eds) Handbook of Research on Green Economic Development Initiatives and Strategies. Ch. 3, pp 44-64. IGI Global.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0440-5. Available here
6) Koundouri, P., Chen W., Giannouli, A., Hernández Brito J. J., Kotoroni E., Mailli E., Mintenbeck K., Papagianni C., Souliotis, I. 2017. A Socio-Economic Framework for Integrating Offshore Multi-Use Platforms in Sustainable Blue Growth Management: Theory and Applications. In Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, Kenya, Lisa Emelia Svensson, Anil Markandya (Eds.) ‘The Handbook of the Economics and Management of Sustainable Oceans’ (pp. 25-43). Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78643 071 7 eISBN: 978 1 78643 072 4 http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/handbook-on-the-economics-and-management-of-sustainable-oceans
5) Koundouri, P., and Davila, O., 2015. Implementing the European Water Framework Directive in Greece: An Integrated Socio-Economic Approach and Remaining Obstacles. In Burnett, K., Howitt, R., Roumasset, J. A., & Wada, C. A. (eds) ‘Routledge Handbook of Water Economics and Institutions’. (363-380). ISBN: 978-0415728560, www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-Water-Economics-and-Institutions/Burnett-Howitt-Roumasset-Wada/p/book/9780415728560
4) Koundouri, P., 2015. The Use of Ecosystem Services Approach in Guiding Water Valuation and Management: Inland and Coastal Waters. In Dinar, A. and Schwabe, K. (eds.) ‘Handbook of Water Economics’. Edward Elgar Publishers Ltd, (126-149), 9781782549642, DOI 10.4337/9781782549666.00014 Available https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781782549642/9781782549642.00014.xml
3) Koundouri, P., Bambalos, V., Stithou, M., Mousoulidou, M., Mousoulides, A., Anastasiou, I., Vasiliou, K., 2015. A Micro-Econometric Approach to Deriving Use and Non-Use Values of in situ Groundwater: In P. A. Nunes, P. Kumar and T. Dedeurwaerdere (eds) The Vosvozis Case Study, Greece. In ‘Handbook on the Economics of Ecosystems Services and Biodiversity’, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK. (423-435). ISBN: 978 1 78195 150 7, eISBN: 978 1 78195 151 4 . DOI 10.4337/9781781951514.00035. Available: http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/handbook-on-the-economics-of-ecosystem-services-and-biodiversity
2) Koundouri, P., Kougea, E., Stithou, M., Ala-Aho, P., Eskelinen, R., Karjalainen, T., Klove, B., Pulido-Velazquez, M., Reinikainen, K. and Rossi, P., 2014. The contribution of non-use values to inform the management of groundwater systems: the Rokua esker, Northern Finland. In P. A. Nunes, P. Kumar and T. Dedeurwaerdere ‘Handbook on the Economics of Ecosystems Services and Biodiversity’, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK. 2014 (466-482). ISBN: 978 1 78195 150 7, eISBN: 978 1 78195 151 4 DOI 10.4337/9781781951514.00035 Available: http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/handbook-on-the-economics-of-ecosystem-services-and-biodiversity
1) Koundouri, P., Kountouris, Y., Trzqski, L., 2008. Decision support system for the regulation of water in areas affected by coal mining activity. In Druzynskiej, E., Nachlik, E., Łagodzenie presji na środowisko wodne w zlewni Biatej Przemszy. Aquastress, Monografia 365, Krakow (p. 106-147). ISSN: 0860 – 097X. [In Polish)