On the 22nd of September Prof. Koundouri joined the roundtable discussion on “PBL for the future of STEM” at HackSTEM 2021 organized by Siemens Gamesa and Spanish Startups 21-26 September 2021.
Topic: PBL for the future of STEM
Broadening the network of skills among college students for a better engineering workforce is a priority. Project-based, or inquiry-based, learning is increasingly a necessary tool in today’s STEM education as it enhances transversal skills most valued by companies such as entrepreneurship, teamwork and creativity. In 2018, Ain Shams University was the first Egyptian University to formally join CDIO, an international initiative to put practice and problem solving back at the center of formal engineering education.
In this roundtable, they discussed how the implementation of a project-based learning approach can be a game changer for STEM education, and especially in a world where the nature of future jobs is in constant flux, making references to Project WESET (www.weset-project.eu). Most importantly, experts will discussed how to overcome challenges to introduce initiatives such as CDIO in rather old-style prescriptive educational environments, and similar initiative at K-12 level in Egypt/Africa.
– Adel Elsabbagh, Professor at Ain Shams University
– Mohamed Anis, Assistant Director at Oasis International Academy
– Phoebe Koundouri, Co Chair at SDSN Europe.
– Rania Hafez, International Cooperation and Media in Ministry of Education in Egypt.
– Tamer Elnady, Professor at Ain Shams University.
– Amr Elbanhawy, Professor at Ain Shams University.
Learn more https://hackstem.es/program/pbl-for-future-stem https://hackstem.es/
Watch the session: https://youtu.be/6_Xlc8hPH0w