Join Prof. Koundouri today at 13:30 for her speech on “The Sustainability Transition: SDGs, EGD and Recovery Fund in Blue Growth” at CMBR Web Conference, Blue Growth in the Eastern Mediterranean: Challenges and Opportunities
Blue Growth arises as a major opportunity to address the current global grand challenges of decreasing availability of resources and increasing inequality of wealth, as well as the need for mitigating environmental and ecological damage, including climate change.
This event aims to bring together prominent experts and stakeholders to present and discuss current challenges and opportunities in the field of Blue Growth, with emphasis in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Session 2 – The Blue Growth concept: policy, management & economics
- Bernard Kloareg (EMBRC France; SB Roscoff, France)
- Phoebe Kountouri (AUEB, Greece)
- Marc Vandeputte (AquaExcel – INRAE, France)
- Pedro Mayorga (EnerOcean S.L., Spain)
- Joaquiín Tintoré (Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System, Spain)
- Nikos Zampoukas (European Commission, DG Research & Innovation)
- Eleni Hatziyanni (European Commission, DG Mare)
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You can find the final version of the conference programme here: