European Water Management between Regulation and Competition; funded by the European Commission, DG Environment, 2002-2003.
AQUALIBRIUM will provide a comparative study of national strategies for public-private partnerships in European water management. By collecting data on the current debate, recently taken initiatives and experiences by textual analysis and expert telephone polls it will deliver a general overview of this issue. Moreover, AQUALIBRIUM will organise the assessment and evaluation of the findings by a workshop assembling water management experts representing politics, administration, industry, consumers, environmental groups and science. This workshop aims to identify, categorise and rank topical issues and knowledge deficits in the field of private sector participation in water management. By this means it will help the efforts of the Commission to allocate subsequent research resources in an effective and efficient way, to develop guidelines for a sustainable water management and to implement such measures.
AQUALIBRIUM Grant agreement ID: EVK1-CT-2001-80003
- Start date1 January 2002 End date1 January 2003
- Overall budget € 296 655
- Global Project Management: Nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and interdisciplinary Research Hardenbergstr, Berlin, Germany.
- Major Subcontractor: Department of Economics, University of Reading, UK.